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A metaphor for healing, Acupuncture is a healing art. 


Acupuncture activates your body's healing properties!


The body is constantly transferring information.

Imagine your cell phone signal was interrupted in the middle of a call and you did not understand the entire message.

Imagine your cellular processes were interrupted from sending the right nerve impulse or manufacturing the right hormones.

Acupuncture restores the internal communications of your body.


What can Acupuncture treat?

If something is wrong, Acupuncture can treat it!

Remember, Acupuncture is a healing art. If something is in need of healing, Acupuncture can help the healing process.


But remember, Acupuncture is just part of the healing process.

The healing process is innate. There are ways that you can help it along, and there are ways that you can slow it down.

The communication you have with your Acupuncturist will highlight how to maximize your healing potential and how to prevent pitfalls.

Lifestyle Modifications

Dietary Adjustment

Herbal Prescriptions


You are your Healer. I am a Guide. â€‹


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